Echoes From Fomalhaut #10: Guests of the Beggar King

A 52-page fanzine featuring adventures and GM-friendly campaign materials for Advanced old-school RPG rules, with cover art by Cameron Hawkey, and illustrations by Vincentas Saladis, Graphite Prime, Sean Stone, and the Dead Victorians. This 10th ANNIVERSARY issue contains...
* The Illustrious Index of Incline: Could you forego the temptation of bragging a bit about all the stuff you have published in your zine? I couldn’t. 2 pages should be enough of that stuff. It is exactly one article shy of 50, not a bad number.
* The Temple of Polyphema: The temple of the cyclopean goddess has been taken over by a band of marauding gnolls. Are you a bad enough dude to drive them out, and avert the terrible curse that would befall Polyphema’s gutless followers? Levels 2-4, 25 keyed areas.
* Guests of the Beggar King: Welcome to Caer Iselond, kingly seat of an impoverished monarch, and his merry order of bandit-knights! Caer Iselond is a great place to visit… but trouble is brewing in the surrounding lands, and intrigue is afoot in the castle’s ancient halls. 24 keyed areas.
* Gorge of the Unmortal Hermit: A strange recluse is said to inhabit a wooded gorge deep in the Vexwood, who steals mens’ eyes and is said to possess some manner of immortality. Are the rumours true? Find out in this 13-area wilderness adventure (levels 2–5).
* Oom the Many: A shadowy face haunts the City of Vultures, a single visage shared by several men of magic. What are their designs and how do they operate? This article describes the secret society’s goals, key persons, and multiple sites associated with it.
* The Temple of Jeng: A mighty and violent faith that rules over much of the City of Vultures with its extensive spy network, and an army of fanatical nomads. Who are the priests controlling the mobs, and what lies behind their sermons of hatred? Find out in the Temple of Jeng (levels 5–9, can get vicious)!
* A double-sided poster map describing an interconnected Underworld featuring the House of Oom, the Temple of Jeng, The Tomb of Ali Shulwar, and more.
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